Civilization game is considered one of the best video games franchises of all time. It’s one that introduced the defining element of 4X gameplay. Also, it is one of the games responsible for “One More Turn Syndrome. This is where a player who wants to end their session says they’ll do it after another turn, but ends up playing much longer and even losing track of the time.
In this blog, we’re going to be looking at the Top Ranked Civilization Games and bring sharper focus on the best amongst them. We’ll be starting from the worst to the best.
Civilization 2 (1996)
This is a fun game and considerably a cohesive one, but can’t be categorized as to be on the same level as the other Civilization Games. Natural seeming maps and better visuals are point of interest, and the increased numbers of Civilization games options is great. The view and dedication to polish probably makes it easier to play, but it seems to lack something that feels uninspiring to the soul.
Civilization 2 has certain emptiness, not neccessarily as it has to do with a video game, but in comparison to other Civilization counterpart. Screens were only common portraits, city view was static and many more. A number of these things were improved upon greatly in its sequel, and we can say Civilization 3 is altogether what Civilization 2 had hoped to achieve.
Civilization 3 (2001)
Robust features were introduced with Civilization 3. These features have been core to the franchise DNA ever since. It includes deep systems, fine animations, and polished aesthetic. Civilization game characters were also brought us by the game, which made Civilization 3 feel more personalized and different from each other, and encouraged diverse play styles and strategies depending on who you picked.
That’s not all, Civilization 3 also allow players to deal with volcanic eruptions, corruption and monopolize luxuries and get them sold at higher price.
Civilization 4 (2006)
Civilization 4 went all the way, and in way we haven’t seen in the franchise after the success of Civilization 3. With a full 3D graphics, this game has inspirational quotes from Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy with beautiful menu music. You could zoom out until you can view the world at large as one during the late game.
Religion was also made relevant as a way to control population, and it introduced cool things like espionage and vassal states. Although most of Civilization 4’s starting features have finally made their way to Civilization 4 and most especially Civilization 6, through post launch updates. Having said that, Civilization 4 still managed to do it all in a wonderful, no restrictions formula. For those that have been following, this is Civilization game at its highest even if the series have become more complex than ever.
Civilization 5 (2010)
A major change was made by the developers to the franchise with this civilization game. They changed the map from a squad grid and changed it into hex grid. The maps looked and felt more natural than ever before, all thanks to this. Civilization 5 introduced city-states which is a welcome concept, though a little frustrating to carry out.
Civilization 5 had few problems when it was launched, like the AI acting in non-uniform ways, espionage being too easy, and loss of vassalage. They made up for it with the release of the enlargements From God’s and Kings to Brave New World, the game ushered and brought back important features like ideologies, religion and tourism
While it’s less graphically detailed than it’s follow-up, it’s still a lovely game. The more semi realistic, the more art style holds a lasting appeal for some people. Civilization 5 feels like a great step forward towards Civilization 6. Civilization 5 is quite prominent today.
Civilization 6 (2016)
There’s no much difference between Civilization 6 and the one before it, except for one major thing: Civilization 6 included most of its features that would make it stand out from the get-go. Civilization 5 failed in this because it didn’t introduce most of the features that would make it stand out until expansion. Civilization 6 improved all these features, like espionage, city-states and toursin. The game as well de-stacked the cities and spread them across several tiles, making the simple things like city placement so much more tactical.
Civilization 6 launched in 2016, Firaxis became reliably stable In supporting the game until it’s polished with a major sheen. There are two major expansions that followed, and ultimately a new frontier pass with new customers Civilization games and a death of fresh gameplay modes.